
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Episode 73 - Doctor Mitchell Bates
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
On episode 73, we invited 2 young guns aboard to offer their perspectives on Australian fishing Podcasts. Our First guest is Mitchel McMaster who is one of the two hosts on the Australian Fishing Podcast called "On the Cast". The second guest is Dr Christopher Bates who is a renowned Mudskipper Biologist (with special interests in water sports) from Townsville and avid listener/ contributor of the show. We have a loosely themed chat about podcasting and what it has meant for these two guys from very different perspectives. Look, at the end of the day we tried to maintain a subject, but to be fair, a lot of this show is just clowning around....we had a lot of fun and really hope you enjoy the show too.... just think it could be worse, we could be talking about fly lines.

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Episode 72 - Your Muppets Guide to Christmas
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
On this episode, that we gift to you early in the spirit of Christmas ... Those 2 White Boomers Voltz and Chris, tickle the sleigh bells for this gift idea extravaganza.... oh and we also do Voltzy's world wide of sports yet again.... your welcome.

Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Episode 71 - Neil Cunnington
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Episode 71 - On this episode we asked Neil Cunnington to stay up late so we could talk about fly fishing the famous Tongariro river in New Zealand and also about the roots of his fly fishing experience in Mackay central Queensland. Neil's story is a bit different in that he has gone from Tropical Saltwater Fly Fishing to doubling down on Trout. Neil is a very successful angler who is driven to spend as much time on the water as possible, and on this show not only do we have a detailed conversation about the fishing and techniques, but also managing the voices in Neil's head that instruct him to fish hard and fish often. A true gentleman, its was great to have him on the show and we both hope you enjoy that show as much as we did.

Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Episode 70 - Alan " Fish" Philiskirk
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Episode 70 - On this episode we are very proud to present one of the forefathers of Australian Saltwater Fly fishing and owner operator of Fish's Fly and Sport Fishing, Alan Philiskirk.
Alan, who is affectionately known as Fish has been guiding for 30 years, and has been on the scene right from the start as Australia developed its unique Saltwater Fly fishery. Still today Fish is a very passionate fly fisherman and employs guides who also are passionate about flyfishing. On this show we discuss how Fish got into the sport, his career, and also his involvement in being the first person in Australia to keep a Permit buttoned up on fly and on camera.
This is a super interesting show, and if you want to learn more about Fish's Fly and sport fishing checkout his social media pages on Facebook and Instagram or head to his website - https://www.weipaflyfish.com.au/

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Episode 69 - Shooting Heads, Haunted Fishing Spots and Sticky Stuff
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Episode 69 - Shooting Heads, Haunted Fishing Spots and Sticky Stuff is the title of this weeks plan gone okay. Its just Voltz and Chris again this week, but dare I say it, we may have redeemed ourselves somewhat for the flyline special when we discuss a fraction of what there is to know about fly lines when we talk about Shooting Heads. The question was posed when Chris was talking with the guy pictured who is Tom and yes he is holding a big Jewfish caught on a Game Changer. The conversation seems to naturally turn into adhesives, then we answer a listener question about fly materials storage.
This weeks Wide World of Sports is a cracker, some great fish have been caught this week and we reveal how the rod on the shoulder scoring system is derived, so you can play to your strengths for future photos.

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Episode 68 - Servo food, skinny water and a shit moustache
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Episode 68 - On this episode we chronical Voltzy's recent trip to flats Valhalla, by covering a lot of specific detail that you may not have though was important, but defiantly is. We also have a brief discussion on ethics in the flyfishing/tying creative world and finish off with a very very verbose edition of VWWOS. Tune and get some while your at the tying bench or on the road, we really hope you like the show !!

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Episode 67 - "The Grind" with guest host Alex Roy
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Episode 67 was a great experience for us, it turned out to be a very lengthy, detailed, passionate and verbose show about how the Flyfishing sausage is made. By that I mean the work that goes into those social media success stories that we scroll onto with excitement and sometimes envy. A big part of this show is discussing the hours, failure and preparation that goes into that seemingly charmed life of an angler who to many looks like they live in the greener paddock. Join me (Chris) and guest host Alex Roy as we share our personal experiences and those experiences of others we know who have experienced “The Grind”.

Friday Oct 23, 2020
Episode 66 - Jon Snell
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
On this weeks show we chat to our friend Jon Snell. Jon, or Snelly, is a Cairns based guide who operates under the name Jon Snell Fishing Charters.
Snelly joins us to chat about a fish that is his favourite fish to catch and to put punters onto, that is the saltwater Barramundi. Snelly takes us through a variety of situations that he likes to find Barra in his local area, the flies he uses in addition to the gear. This episode is almost a saltwater Barra "how to" by a living legend who is well known for consistency, ABBA and all-round getting the job done in all forms of fishing.
Also on this show.... well I should say almost on this show, I have to explain why we lost the intro, and we also have another action packed rod over the shoulder review as we keep it very real for another week.

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Episode 65 - Doug Phillips ( Tonic Eyewear)
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
On this episode we are excited to chat to the creator of what many believe to be is the pinnacle of fishing sunglasses. Doug Philips is the owner of Tonic Eyewear and he joins us on this episode to chat to us about everything that goes into making and developing one of the most essential tools we as flyfisherpeople need past rods/reels/flies. On this episode, you will learn about the difference between the different coatings, and also different light transmission levels and how to select a lens that suits you and your fishing... or to look cool hanging out at the pub. If you are interested in getting more from your pair of sunglasses, this is not one to miss.
In addition, we chat about Solunar calendars and how you can better understand them. Its an issue that polarises many people, you tend to either believe in them or not, either way, we shine a light on how they come about and what they mean.
This weeks Voltzy's wide world of sports is both passionate and verbose and packs a stack of dentition. We hope you enjoy what we made for you this week.

Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Episode 64 - Matt Von Sturmer ( Salt fly fish)
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Episode 64 - On this episode, we head back over the the land of the long white cloud and chat to Matt Von Sturmer from Salt Fly Fish. Matt operates out of Waiheke Island which is east of Auckland New Zealand and is a dedicated saltwater flyfishing guide. To say Matt is generous and passionate about the sport is an understatement, as Matt is only too happy to offer advice for anyone looking to get into Saltwater flyfishing around his area and is happy chasing either meter plus Kingfish or pan sized snapper in skinny water or even the underrated Parore. On this episode we talk about all that variety, in addition to tailing Snapper, flounder focused Kingfish and the questionable diet of Parore
Checkout Matt's website - https://saltflyfish.co.nz/

Yo Guess What
We know stuff and we don't put our rod over our shoulder.
Follow the beef people... Don't let someone who doesn't do the type of fishing they preach about waste your time or money.... reward those that show results not promises.