
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Episode 13 - Pip Clement
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
We open up this show with a song request. The opening song was requested by Voltz's tail and is dedicated to their latest split #prayforvoltz
In episode 13 we open up by talking to Tony Ham who is a QLD Fisheries officer to touch on the latest legislation changes.
From there we chat to Aussie legend, Pip Clement. Pip is a very experienced and well traveled Australian flyfisherman. Pip walks us through where he has been but we also goes into detail about his local species such as Murray Cod on fly.
At the end of the show we chat about hooks, and in particular the new Ahrex Salt range of hooks that have just been released.
Please leave us a review or even a rating and set your tails free.
Andy - Voltz - Chris

Friday Sep 27, 2019
Episode 12 - Whats with all the questions
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Friday Sep 27, 2019
First of all, we would like to dedicate this episode to Voltzy, we hope you recover well mate #prayforvoltz the whole flyfishing community is with you!!
This episode is a new concept for us, we put it out to the listeners that if they wanted to be involved, let us know and we will call you.... I think our below average expectation were met in this episode thank you to Alex Roy, Kyle Murphy, Shane McKee, Smith Boris and Josh "Rod Slapping" Butler. If you liked it, please let us know in the comments. Every time you rate out episode on itunes, it contributes to fishing karma points...Namaste

Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Episode 11 - Al Simson
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
On Ep 11, we are joined by far North Queensland guide Al Simson. As well as a guide Al is an Artist, Commercial Fly tier, traveler and Photographer. We jump into talking with Al about his 30 odd years of experience in the Australian Permit scene, and move onto the the Great Barrier Reef, Crocodiles and swimming in remote northern rivers.
At the start of the show, Chris is ambushed badly by Andy, Voltzy pretty much remains Teflon throughout the show and Andy gets personal at the end of the show.
Tune into Andy's greatest moment so far

Friday Sep 13, 2019
Episode 10 - Josh Hutchins
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Episode 10 - In this is episode we talk to the man who simply has the best job in the world, no question. We talk to Josh Hutchins form the Aussie Fly Fisher about as many things as we can in as short a time as possible. There was so much to talk about and so much range to cover that there was no way we were going to cover everything.... we will have Josh back to go over more of his crazy life one day, and apply more heat as requested by the man himself.
We start off the show chatting about Flylines and fly line maintenance and we close of the show without Andy, and it could be the best content we have ever done.
Checkout Josh's website https://aussieflyfisher.com/
You can find him on Facebook and Instagram by searching Aussie Fly Fisher

Friday Sep 06, 2019
Episode 9 - The V Man (Andrew Vockler)
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Coming hot with this episode is Andy Vockler or as many of you would know him as ... "Andy from the forum".
For those who don't know, Andy is the Australian booking agent for the Villages on Christmas Island (Kiribati). Andy would have to be the most experienced fisherman we have in Australia when it comes to Bonefish and fishing Christmas island. This show goes into detail about the island and how it has changed in the past 15 odd years since Andy has been going there as a fisherman and a professional agent.
In the beginning, Voltzy puts some clothes on and poses the question about extremely fishy people, are they people who fall ass backward into most things in life, or do they have " The Gift"? who knows, lets explore FAD's. We also here in detail about Andy and his voice over career and Chris gets some sobering advice right at the very end.
Please enjoy the show, and please participate on our social media pages, we love your feedback. If your enjoying the show, please leave us some feedback or a rating on the podcast platform your listening to us bang on about stuff on.
Have a great weekend, and go kill a carp.

Friday Aug 30, 2019
Episode 8 - Shannon Kitchener
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
On Episode 8, we chat to Shannon Kitchener. Shannon is as well traveled guy but for us we wanted to chat to him about his local fishing. Shannon goes on to explain how skills learned in your backyard can translate to any type of fishing and how commonly overlooked species have so much to offer.
We open up the show talking about techniques for dealing with big flies, with some great info offered. If you stick around to the end of the show, we close the show on the thought provoking topic of intention.

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Episode 7 - Big Gav Davis
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Episode 7 is strange one, we delve into the black arts of superstition and who knows, maybe we up we upset the universe because the internet really screws with us through this show. But, we manage to soldier on and we got some wicked content that "Fast Gav" gave us. If your into DIY crazy trips, this show is for you.
As always, leave us a comment, give us a rating, give us your feedback. The intermediate line is the peoples show, please feel at home....we sure do.

Friday Aug 16, 2019
Episode 6 Darren Brack
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Episode 6 - The episode begins the same way it ends up, and that is with good old fashion meaty discussion. In the beginning of the show, the word "Meaty" takes on a different meaning when compared to the end of the show. We start off chatting about fly tying and that old chestnut discussion....natural materials v synthetic materials.
We move on and spark up a conversation with Darren "Daz" Brack who owns the Australian Saltwater Flyfishing Forum (Forrum). So much history in one place, in addition too being one of the worlds best online flyfishing libraries.
Click Here to go the Australian Saltwater Flyfishing Forrum
We love your feedback guys, please leave us a comment, leave us a review, give us some bloody stars ya muppets.
See you guys next week (sorry about the delay with this one)
Tunes are by The Celibate Rifles... RIP Damien Lovelock, you'll be missed.

Thursday Aug 08, 2019
The Bass Special
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
A special episode we made because of the time of year and the popularity of deep schooled impoundment Bass. In this episode we cover the essentials in what you need to know about targeting Bass through late winter early spring. We also discuss what makes an effective Bass Vampire and cover a range of effective techniques that you can try in any Bass impoundment.
As always, please give us your feedback, and leave us a review and a rating. Hopefully we keep the people who listen to Coles radio very happy this time hahahahahah (checkout the hater review on iTunes, that made us piss ourselves laughing)

Friday Aug 02, 2019
Episode 5 - Ash Dunsmore
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Episode 5- In this episode we talk to Australia's premier fly reel manufacturer, Ash Dunsmore from Harfin reels. Ash is predominately one man band reel manufacturer operating out of Victoria, Australia. We chat to Ash about how his reel manufacturing process from Aluminium bar stock to a fully assembled reel.
Also in this episode, we get asked am intriguing question from carp boy that takes us to an interesting place.
You can find Harfin reels at https://www.harfinflyreels.com/
or on Facebook by searching Harfin Reels Australia
and on Instagram @harfinreelco

Yo Guess What
We know stuff and we don't put our rod over our shoulder.
Follow the beef people... Don't let someone who doesn't do the type of fishing they preach about waste your time or money.... reward those that show results not promises.