
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
Episode 178 - Kurt Rowlands "living the dream"
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
On Episode 178, we chat to Captain Kurt Rowlands of Fish's Fly and Sportfishing. On this sort of Australia day special episode, we thought you couldn't get more of an Aussie Fly Fishing dream than giving up everything moving to Weipa and working with one of the oldest and most respected guide outfits in Australia. Kurt, a former Hervey Bay Guide, had the universe show him that it was time to bail and head to Weipa, that was over a year ago now and we catch up with Kurt to talk about this huge life change. Yep, we defiantly still talk about the fishing, we also talk about the changes in the scene up there and finally, someone with common sense talks about stepping in the water in probably one of the most dangerous places on earth do so.
Fish's Fly and Sportfishing is loved by the local community, all the guides live there full time and in a place where everyone knows everyone, that makes for a very seamless operation that the punters benefit from. If your heading to Cape York Australia, you'd be crazy as a dedicated flyfisho to look at any other operation other than the oldest flyfishing operation in Cape York that is staffed by absolute wizards on the floppy stick.
Also on this show, we bring up Australia enterprise, and some of our contributions to fly-fishing products world wide. We have a lot to be proud of regarding our Fly fishing product exports, we urge you to support those building us up, and look to not support those attempting to tear it down... that rising tide definitely lists all ships... support Australian based companies along with Aussie made and happy Australia Day!!

Saturday Jan 13, 2024
Episode 177 - Death to Follow the Beef
Saturday Jan 13, 2024
Saturday Jan 13, 2024
We are back folks !! We took some time off and we come back guestless for another year of banter, and real experience based Fly fishing info.
On this show... Death to Follow the Beef !! That's right... they win.
We also do a bit of a recap, we talk about Voltzy's brush with Bream Venom, and the new Beast Brushes shop dog and its intimidation techniques to secure itself as an alpha.
Have you tried to send us a message ? Its not that we don't care... we explain on the show.
Its likely to be underwhelming, but lets try and be supportive as we kick off 2024 !!
Yep, these guys are still with us... please support those who support the show !! Nervous Water, Ketafly, Power Pole, Beast Brushes and Flats Craft

Friday Dec 15, 2023
Episode 176 - Robbie Mills - The Fly Fishing Playboy
Friday Dec 15, 2023
Friday Dec 15, 2023
On this show, we have the honour of interviewing one of Australia's most legendary personalities... Robert Mills. Millsy as he is known around the country has many achievements off the water, but what many people don't realise is that Millsy is a Darwin resident who is a student of the Darwin shallow water flyfishing opportunities. We chat to Millsy about the little known skinny water of Darwin harbour and surrounding bays and harbours. Darwin is a Barra town.. its rife with High Viz dudes in tinny's with a full esky of VB's, trolling hardbody lures around for some of the best barra fishing known to man.. but, we don't see a lot about the cloak and dagger skinny water opportunities... When Millsy isn't belting out a tune at a the local Karaoke or hanging with the Hilton family, he's is husbanding Barra and scanning the flats for NT tails. We are lucky that such and Australian Idol is willing to expand on this fishery with us.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly, Power Pole, Nervous Water and Flats Craft

Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Ep 175 - Martyn White ( Flicking Feathers)
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
On this episode we talk to Martyn White from Flicking Feathers. Martyn is a Scotsman who is living in Japan and is a very much a traditionalist fly fisherman. Martyn, although is very open to modern innovation, is somewhat of an educator when it comes to traditional flies, both Salt and fresh water flies. One of the main things that separates Martyn from others who are also so consistent at making educational content on YouTube and social media, is that he fishes.. In fact, Martyn is arguably one of the most well rounded content creators when compared to his content creating piers on the before mentioned platforms.
On this show, we chat to Martyn about this approach to his content, we also talk about fishing in Japan. The chats about Japanese Sea Bass and the infamous Japanese Permit are very interesting. The fly tying talk is something that any aspiring fly tyers should not miss... Martyn's approach to tying such a huge variety of flies well, and knowledge of patterns that have come before us is phenomenal.
Also... Voltz is back !!
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly, Power Pole, Beast Brushes and Flats Craft

Friday Nov 17, 2023
Episode 174 - Sam Sumlin ( Spacecoast Flies)
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
On episode 174, we get deep into Saltwater Flies as we chat to Sam Sumlin of Spacecoast Flies . Spacecoast flies is one of the USA's largest retailer of Saltwater Flies. Sam and his business partner tie a lot of those flies, but they also host a Co Op of sorts for local fly tyers as well as a huge range of mas produced flies. These guys are the real deal and we get Sam on to tell us all about these style of flies ( Crabs, Kwaans, Redfish Crack, EP minnows, Sippers, shrimps and poppers). If its lower states saltwater flies... these guys are the experts. A second week in a row that we nerd out on fly tying... you guys are in for a treat.
We also talk about local species that Sam has on the Alabama coast and the panhandle in general. Species such as Redfish, Black Drum and Jack Crevalle to name just a few and how the fishing and flies is thought out. Its an interesting listen that will no doubt translate into any fishery around the world.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly, Power Pole, Beast Brushes and Flats Craft

Friday Nov 03, 2023
Episode 173 - August West
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
On episode 173, we nerd out hard on Pop Fleyes. To do this, we have August West from August on fly, on the show. August is an up and coming commercial fly tyer from Minnesota USA, who specializes in all things Bob Pop. On this show, Voltz isn't with us, which enables Chris and August to deep dive on some of the tying techniques, how to achieve what you want to in the water, the history of some of the patterns, different feathers used in these fleyes, the fusions that have accentuated some of the pop fleye patterns further, Bucktail and Bucktail alternatives and so much more. If you are into tying these sorts of flies or just wanting to have more command over natural materials on a hook, than this show is definitely for you.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly, Beast Brushes, Power Pole and Flats Craft

Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Episode 172 - Jimmy Barwick Snowy Valley Fly Fishing
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
On this episode, we are proud to present for a second time, Jimmy Barwick. Jimmy, has just gone out on his own with his new guiding outfit Snowy Valley Fly Fishing. On the show, Jimmy briefly talks about the events that led up to this new chapter in his life, and shortly after we talk about what SVFF offers its clients, we get into talking about the fishing. For a big part of the show we are talking about the huge Cod Jimmy is catching... 25 over a meter this year ( that doesn't count the ones under a meter) !! We talk about the flies, the lines and tackle the big issue about live scoping. Live scoping is a hugely polarising issue in still water, and we chuck out hat in the ring regarding this debate. We then go onto to talk about the drift boating that Jimmy does on the Tumut River, and what's involved with that. Jimmy offers a well rounded operation that caters for both Natives and Trout.. Be sure to listen in and also go back and have a listen to the first one with Jimmy Episode 150.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly, Power Pole, Beast Brushes and Flats Craft

Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Episode 171 - Freshwater Voltz
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
On this episode there is just a lot.... Here is what we talk about
The rise of Freshwater Voltz
A review of the new Power Pole Move PV motor
Fibreglass boat repair... Do as we say, not as we do
The new Ahrex SA258 CA Bendback hook
Pointers on how to teach a beginner to cast
If your into sledging, learning from ones mistakes, carp and national pride... This one is for you.
Brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly, Power Pole, Beast Brushes and Flats Craft

Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Episode 170 - Jamie Howard ( Howard Films)
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Jamie Howard, a man who shaped a genre of Fly-fishing films, set a mood, taught us stuff and showed us things that those who may not ever get to fish for Tarpon, Striper or Bonefish will never see. Still to this day an unmatched filmmaker as far as quality of fly-fishing footage and story telling, Jamie is best known for his iconic flyfishing movies, Chasing Silver, Location X and Andy's Return films. Recently Jamie underwent a mammoth task of documenting the migratory run of Striped Bass in his latest film "Running The Coast" that Jamie describes as his Magnum Opus. Featuring interviews with Bob Popovic, Lefty Kreh and Dave Skok to name a few as well as incredible footage of Stripe eating crab flies and wild blitzes. We chat to Jamie about his personal fishing, the fisherman he films, the birth of the location X concept, how Andy Mill got caught up in Chasing Silver, and the sheer epicenes of how Running The Coast was made as some of the highlights. For this of you who have never seen any of Jamie's work... let these two hard arsed pragmatic fisherman tell you that Jamie makes films for those that are not easily impressed... You would have to be made of stone not to want to sell everything and fish forever after watching these films. Checkout HowardFilms.com and do your self a favour instead of watching the bloody masked singer garbage.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly, Power Pole and Beast Brushes

Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Episode 169 -CXI after 4 years closed
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
After 4 years of being closed due to Covid, Kiribati ( Christmas Island) since May 4 2023, anglers have just experienced their first season on CXI. Our guest on this show Andy Vockler has just come back from 9 weeks on CXI. Andy is the proprietor of IN2FLY, which is the Australian agent for arguably the best lodge on Kitritimati "The Villages". On this show Chris discusses with Andy how he got involved with the exclusive agency with The Villages, and a little about this community building project. Shortly after that we hit the big questions like how good is the Bonefishing after being closed for 4 years, how far has angler prep come, chumming for GT's WTF !!, is the GT fishing better now ? New recreational fisheries legislation that may affect some, Biggest Bonefish this season/ever and we go there with fly lines.
If you have just been, or planning on going, there is no one in this country (possible even globally) that knows CXI like Andy Vockler, the Barron of Blend 43
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly, Power Pole and Beast Brushes

Yo Guess What
We know stuff and we don't put our rod over our shoulder.
Follow the beef people... Don't let someone who doesn't do the type of fishing they preach about waste your time or money.... reward those that show results not promises.