
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Episode 168 - Fly Design, and Innovators Special.
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Episode 168 - Fly Design, an Innovators Special. As the name suggests, Voltz and Chris break down the approach for innovation in future fly designs by looking at past designs and world class innovators in fly design. The hosts have both been involved with internationally influential fly design, and have first hand insights into the problems these flies were designed to overcome, these are discussed at length during the show.
For those that like to let the creativity of fly design flow through them, or to those that would like to stay true to the original innovators motivation when tying flies, this show is action packed. There are so so many distractions in this modern era of fly tying that mute the understanding of a fly's original design, so we hope that this show offers the listener a re-approach to the way you view the flies you choose to maximise your results on the water... Sometimes following the beef is not enough, and the ability to adapt to your unique species, or a situation you find a common species can mean the difference between fly fishing being a hard thing, or an effective way to catch fish.
This show puts a big part of that puzzle in place for any level of fly tyer, fly designer, or fly consumer.... We both agree, that this episode is core information for improving your results on the water. Fun fact, the picture shown here is the very first fly of what is known as the Slow Water Game Changer, no others came before this fly anywhere in the world.... it is now a very popular fly internationally.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly, Power Pole and Beast Brushes.

Friday Aug 04, 2023
Episode 167 - Brett Wolf
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
On episode 167, we are stoked to finally bring you the legendary Brett Wolf. Many will already know about Brett as the guy who put Exmouth on the map as one of Australia's premier fly fishing destinations. It would be fair to say that Brett is the one, who as a guide, developed Exmouth as Australia's most consistent Bonefish fishery. In more recent years, Bretts achievements with permit are hard to ignore. Having both Blochii and Anak Permit, and the incredible biosphere that is the Exmouth Gulf, makes Brett one of the leading operation in OZ to offer many shots at single and small schooled fish, which is what anyone who aims to test themselves on Permit aspires too. On this show Brett offers up some great insights from a guides perspective on fly placement and reading the fishes mood. This show turned out great and is not one to be missed by any self respecting Permaphile.
Exmouth is definitely not only about Permit and Bonefish, and we don't ignore that either as we delve into Bretts experiences with the other great species that are on offer around the Exmouth Gulf and Ningaloo reef.
If you keen to see more of what Brett offers, checkout his website www.ningalooflyfishing.com.au
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly, Power Pole and Beast Brushes

Saturday Jul 22, 2023
Episode 166 - Lithium Battery special with Steve Whapham from Green Marine
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
On this episode, we present a definitive look at marine lithium batteries. We are joined by industry expert Steve Whapham, who is the proprietor of Green Marine batteries. On this episode we hit Steve with the big questions... Can Lithium batteries catch on fire? Do they last longer ? What's with the huge price difference? Are they compatible with any charger or AGM batteries? Plus so much more....
There are so many fears and mistruths surrounding lithium technology and we feel as though this show covers it all as we address ours and your listener issued questions.
Also on this show, we go through the top 10 way that you can improve your flyfishing... Some of this might sting a little.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly Apparel, Power Pole and Beast Brushes.... oh and Keef from Caboolture.

Saturday Jul 08, 2023
Episode 165 - Mark Davis
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
On this podcast we chat with gun angler Mark Davis about the plethorus of Flyfishing options in the North West of WA. Currently residing in Broome and having fished the Pilbara since pussy was a cat, Mark has enough beef for a cattle station! He is well versed on the flies, techniques and locations. It’s clear from talking with him that he invests a lot of thought and effort into his fishing and flies. A quick perve at his IG page @flying.foam will no doubt make you agree. It’s a good chat, and one our longest. You will need at least a 6pack of veebs, bush chooks or whatever your poison is to do this justice.Also in the intro, Chris and Voltz exchange the usual banter, discuss some exciting new kit on its way, and Voltz rediscovers the joys of fishing for people on IG.This show is proudly brought to you by the usual, yet great Nervous Water , Kettafly Apparel, Power Pole and Beast Brushes

Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Episode 164 Eugene Pawlowski
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
On this episode we chat Eugene Pawlowski, one of Australia's most travelled and experienced guides. You will learn on this episode of an amazing life, one that consists of fishing over 20 countries for some of the world's most sought after fish. Eugene originally a Blues supporter, now living in West Oz, is not short on experience, from the jungles of Bolivia for Golden Dorado, to the pristine Back Country NZ and from Cuban Tarpon to Cape York Australia all the time acquiring a huge repertoire of species and racking up many hours guiding. Some people travel picking fruit, Eugene has hit the road as a professional guide and has not stopped yet. Find out what a life well lived sounds like on this episode.
Also on this episode, yep... we talk crab flies yet again, and the development behind the new school crab flies. We also revert from the new school in the outro and put a difference of opinion of the table as we talk about a $100 6wt Glass Rod and some Jewfish.
This show is brought to you but Nervous Water, Kettafly, Power Pole and Beast Brushes

Friday Jun 09, 2023
Episode 163 - Luke Spear
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
On this episode we are privileged to have the legend Luke Spear on the show. Luke hails from the Florida Panhandle which is home to some of the best Tarpon fishing known to man. If the name Spear is familiar to you, its because Luke is the son of legendary pioneer Florida Keys guide Harry Spear. Luke and his Father are both very hands on with Spear Boat works which is a high quality, low volume skiff company that is synonymous with quality whips. We talk to Luke about growing up with Harry Spear as his father, and how that morphed from fishing with Dad, to fly fishing and then following in his footsteps as a full time fly guide in Florida. We also learn about the species that exist in the part of Florida he guides.. Tarpon and Redfish in good numbers, and size.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly, Power Pole and Beast Brushes

Sunday May 21, 2023
Episode 162 - A basic explanation of some materials
Sunday May 21, 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
On Episode 162- We had a request to make a show that explains fly tying materials.. So on this show, the hosts sit down and talk about some fly tying materials because your wish is our command ; ). We say "some materials" in the title because no one knows all fishing intimately, and we only tie flies to catch fish, so we cant swerve out of our lane and pretend to know about materials that we have no experience with. At the time of writing this, it was about 2 weeks ago we recorded the show... I am pretty sure there is a lot of talk about natties... Bucktail, feathers, Bucktail alternatives, fur v hair, some synthetics and why fly tying materials need to be viewed differently to a lure fishing approach.
If your new to fly tying for fly fishing, or even into fly tying for the gram, there will defiantly be some nuggets in here that will build your knowledge and may even challenge your mindset as a fly tyer or even fly fisherman. We truly have our fingers crossed that you enjoy the show.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Power Pole, Kettafly Apparel and Beast Brushes

Sunday May 07, 2023
Episode 161 - Rory Brooks ( Tropical Sportfisher)
Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
Fly only Motherships, Helicopter assisted camping trips, Great Barrier Reef Flats... We really could leave the description right there, as those terms are enough to wet the pallet of any red blooded flyfisho. On episode 161 we talk to Rory Brooks, a hard working one man band based out of Cairns FNQ. Rory offers unique guided trips out of Cairns that include Great Barrier Reef Flats, Barra and Jack packed estuary trips, and Freshwater excursions that delve deep into the jungle in the Cairns region. We also talk about some of the aspects of his Mothership operations aboard "Aroona", a 5 star floating mansion that keeps the lucky group in and around the incredible Princess Charlotte Bay area for untouched flats and incredible Barra runoff fishing.
Also on the show we just follow up the reel episode a little in the intro and talk about dressing cork drags.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly, Power Pole and Beast Brushes

Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Episode 160 - Reel Talk
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
On Episode 160, we get into it regarding Fly Reels. After a few momenta of chit chat, the guys break down the bits and pieces of fly reel consideration. Everything from Backing, to what they are made of, drag types, how to select one, and maintenance. If your into seeing your backing, then this would be a good one to checkout.
This show is brought to you by Nervous water, Kettafly, Power Pole and Beast Brushes

Friday Apr 07, 2023
Episode 159 - Hydrodynamics, cross examination and crab flies
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
On this weeks show Voltz has returned to the hot seat and proceeds to cross examine Chris about his trip to NZ. Also on the show we get into the weeds with Hydrodynamics and what that means with some of the new materials coming out into the market. We also learn a new term "Swolldermort", be sure to work that into a sentence this week.
And we open ourselves up to your input at the end of the show. Grab you pen an paper folks as we attempt to sound smart on this show that breaks down the seemingly simple.. how a crab fly swims and knowing where to fish them when new to an area.
This show is brought to you by the good folks at Nervous Water, Kettafly, Power Pole and Beast Brushes

Yo Guess What
We know stuff and we don't put our rod over our shoulder.
Follow the beef people... Don't let someone who doesn't do the type of fishing they preach about waste your time or money.... reward those that show results not promises.