
Saturday Oct 29, 2022
Episode 148 - Return of the Voltz 2
Saturday Oct 29, 2022
Saturday Oct 29, 2022
Usually in these captions we try to inspire you listen to the show, but on this weeks show, the first half of the show is a tale of two entwined travellers named Kyle and Voltron. KV as the charismatic duo will now be referred to as, set upon their annual sojourn to Queensland's Whitsunday region. This show captures the highs and the lows of this years trip that clearly highlights that adventure is not for everyone. Hear tales of the one that got a way, survival of incredible weather events, true bonds made with local legends, the wild animals that live on the land and a plethora of lutjanids that requires Google to makes sense of it all, not to mention big blue blobs in shallow water.
Also on this show we talk about some new Australian inventions entering the fly tying market, tales of woe and success with electric motors and the legends at Minn Repairs who sort them out , our new show sponsor and why we have ditched sponsors in the past and why we work with others, all this and chat about a new Vlog concept that we just might run with... we want to know your thoughts. It might seem like a lightweight show if you have read this far... but I can tell you that this show is a dense as Voltzy's pelt and we know you will enjoy this one.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly Apparel, Power Pole and Beast Brushes.

Friday Oct 14, 2022
Episode 147 - Estuary Jedi Clinic with Brook Swanton and James Caves
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Its the hallmark of any remarkable angler to have the ability to fish your local waters well, and to many people around Australia, that means Saltwater Estuaries and bread and butter species. Of these highly accessible species, none can be as challenging as the humble Bream... Overlooked by some who feel they are above them, yet Bream have the ability to embarrass those same people by outsmarting even the stealthiest angler. On the flip side, there are those that know and understand that these incredibly slow growing and smart fish offer everything that defines saltwater fly fishing. To fish for Bream well, is a lifelong journey and on this show we talk to 2 of the best in the country, James Caves and Brook Swanton. These two guys live miles apart (James, Bermagui and Brook, Gold Coast) and both live in some of the most pressured waters in Australia, be it population, commercial pressure or pollution, the bream mentioned in this show are hard earned.
On this show we aim to inspire you to get out and give these challenging fish a go... light rods and leaders, pin point accurate casts, tailing fish in a few inches of water, topwater and deep structure... the humble Bream is only unrated by those who either struggle to catch them or are yet to realise they have everything we travel for right on your doorstep.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly Apparel, Power-Pole and Beast Brushes.

Saturday Oct 01, 2022
Episode 146 - Scott Mitchell SAVE OUR FLATS
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
On Episode 146, Yep, we are not going to let this go... there is still a wild amount of apathy amongst rec fishers who's lives and businesses the Great Sandy Straits Marin Park Zoning Proposal effects. So on this show we got the one guy who has been tirelessly promoting change for 17 years while many sat and watched. On this episode we get Scott Mitchell on who honestly needs a flat named after him if this goes through!! The guy could have easily sat back at BBQ's and talked about how good it could be if the GSMP had true conservation zones, but he did something and did it in an unwavering manner at the risk of his personal safety on land and on the water, in addition to his actions affecting his non fishing related business.... Scotto has everything to lose with us and the environment having everything to gain.
Everything Scotto says on this show can be backed up from independent sources... nothing he is hearsay. The GSMP is a world heritage listed are that allows gill netting amongst other forms of commercial fishing in true conservation zones.... by removing the part that allows this ( referred to as red cross hatching) the GSMP will be for the greater part net free. PLEASE go and sign the online submission form here - https://intheloop.des.qld.gov.au/great-sandy-marine-park-zoning-plan
We hear on the show how some of the commercial sector use bullying and intimidation techniques on Scotto and surrounding businesses. We also hear the overwhelming support that they show behind the scenes for fear of being seen as a supporter of conservation and the Fraser Coast Fishing Alliance. Please show your support... what happens here reflects on all rec fishers... those with heavy commercial netting in their area should be very keen on how this unfolds as this could very well be a foundation that highlights both the economic and environmental bounce back that seals the deal for your local area as a net free zone.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly, Power Pole and Beast Brushes.

Friday Sep 23, 2022
Breaking News - Great Sandy Straight Marine Park Zoning Plan
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
On the 23rd of September 2022, the Queensland Government opened up public submissions for the Great Sandy Straight Marine Park Zoning Plan. This is huge and it affects all of us... Yes, all of us.
On this show we break down the significance of this zoning plan, we also run through the online submission process, fake news already spread and also why its important to all recreational fishers and those involved in the recreational fishing industry.
By removing gill netting from this environmentally significant world heritage listed area, it will bring the Sandy Straights in line with every other Marine Park worldwide and will no longer be the only marine park that allows commercial gill netting in a conservation zone.
Please give this a listen. Here is link to where you can submit your feedback to the decision makers -
Here is where you can sign up for the form - https://intheloop.des.qld.gov.au/great-sandy-marine-park-zoning-plan
This breaking news is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly, Power Pole and Beast Brushes

Friday Sep 16, 2022
Episode 144 - Real Genius Talk
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Episode 144 - This episode is for the highly intelligent and erudite amongst us, fact of the matter is that you may get lost with this episode, its very advanced... I will now try to summarise.
On this episode, you will hear about Turtle Flies, Cold Cranking, Pole Dancing, flats fishing for Flathead, Quantum Physics, Feelings, Crab Flies, Rod Reviews, Dirty Polar Cold Lakes and how to be a Black Belt in Macramé. Please.... approach with a learned mind.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly and Beast Brushes.

Saturday Sep 03, 2022
Episode 143 - Peter Broomhall ( Mersey Fly)
Saturday Sep 03, 2022
Saturday Sep 03, 2022
On this episode we chat to Tasmanian guide, Peter Broomhall who some of you will know as @mersyfly on social media. Pete is a born and bred Tasmanian who not only knows how to find trophy trout of himself, but is well known for finding them for his clients as well, all the while offering those lucky clients some incredible photos to take home. On that subject, Pete could easily be one of the best fly fishing photographers we have seen in recent times. His imagery is incredible and a collection of these is worth seeking out on his social media pages. We talk photography, Sea Run trout, Tailing trout and modern techniques for Tasmanian anglers and the beers that separate the state. We hope you enjoy the show.
This show is presented by Nervous Water. Kettafly Apparel and Beast Brushes.

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Episode 142 -Modern Innovation last 15 years
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
On this episode, we took on the task of going through some of the most impactful innovations that we have had in fly fishing, and fly tying over the last 15 years... I can tell you, it may not be what you think. This is not a rod or reel review, but a thoughtful approach to some of the overlooked innovations that have affected us all in the last 15 years. let us know what you think in the comments.
Also on this show we bring up some of the most heavily commented on topic we have had since the show started... no its not eating Carp... it's do Bumphead Parrot fish eat. We talk about some of the DM's we have had that were inspired by the last show. And didn't the topic of copy cats bring up some charged emotions !! Almost as much from those industry types that don't like the follow the beef campaign too !! listen in as we round that topic up a little further.
As always, we are really keen on your comments and always encourage participation... but please... consider making your comment public for all to see.
This show brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly Apparel and Beast Brushes.

Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Episode 141 - Keith Rose-Innes (Alphonse Fishing Company)
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
On Episode 141- We are really excited to bring you a true GOAT as we chat to Keith Rose-Innes. Keith is well known around the world for playing a major role in exposing the Seychelles as one of the most iconic Flyfishing destinations known, however there is so much more to Keith that we talk about on this show. Keith's influence on the greater fishing community goes beyond his results on the water, as many will know that Keith has been integral in the development of some of the most popular flies that have comes from the Seychelles such as the Alplexo Crab, The Brush Fly and the NYAP. On this show we talk about the very first Alplexo Crab and how that pattern came about.
Keith is also part owner of Shilton Reels, as well as an ambassador/ advisor for Thomas &Thomas Fly Rods and Cortland Fly Lines. We cover a lot of interesting stuff on this episode, but what will be of a lot of interest to many is the " Do bumpies actually eat" discussion.
Also on this show, we chat about industry ethics, of the back of a recent run of plagiarism that we seen target Aussie innovators in both the Fly Industry and the Conventional industry. We chat about how this legal but unethical practice is actually affecting you and offer a few thoughts on how you can benefit your time on the water by your actions off the water regarding this ugliness.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly Apparel and Beast Brushes

Friday Jul 22, 2022
Episode 140 Brooks Robinson (Cortland Line Co)
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
On Episode 140 we are very proud to present Brooks Robinson. Brooks is from Cortland NY which is also home to the Cortland Line Company who have been manufacturing lines of various kinds for over 100 years. Brooks is the VP of the Cortland Line Co, in addition to also being an avid Fly Fisherman. On this episode we chat about the the history of the company, Brooks and the Cortland employees passion for fly fishing that is the driving force behind what we see today. On the tech side we get into the tough questions regarding grain weights and head design as they relate to modern flyfishing techniques, AFTMA recommendations, matching flylines up with rods and and a little bit about backings that you probably didn't know about.
Also on this show, we flex the new lapel microphones, and we also play a game called "what is it" that leads to some serious hand washing before eating.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly Apparel and Beast Brushes

Friday Jul 15, 2022
The Intermediate Vice Ep 5 - John Everett (Fish New England)
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Last week, I had the opportunity to chat to John Everett from Fish New England. John is a very pragmatic fly tyer, who is a shining example of what translating observations made on the water to the vice looks like. Many people will already know John to be an inspiring man who is always free with advice and time, this also runs true in this interview as we talk about the trials and tribulations involved in fly design for John and how time on the water is what has shaped the flies we see today. Many people will know John as the "Cod Fly" guy, but John is more rounded than that, and although John has spent many hours in the salt and lake Barra, he is well known for tying in his lane, a great lesson for all of us, especially those new to the sport. Having been close to the forefront of Murray Cod fly design has afforded John the ability to see both failures and successes of the successful flies we see today. Tune and listen to the stories behind some of the greatest Cod flies this country has known.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly Apparel and Beast Brushes

Yo Guess What
We know stuff and we don't put our rod over our shoulder.
Follow the beef people... Don't let someone who doesn't do the type of fishing they preach about waste your time or money.... reward those that show results not promises.