
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Episode 139 - Rod Review, 2am Fish Mongers and Nerding out on Bucktail
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Episode 139 is one of those episodes where we just get caught up in conversation yep we lost track of time for the intro and just talked flyfishing for an hour and forty minutes. We chat about Ugg Boot management, new experiences with Glass fly rods, the wonderful hairtail as a fly target, targeting fish in estuaries at night in winter, fast sink lines for Bream, Suss characters at boat ramps at hours when most people should be asleep and the nuances of Bucktail production. I think its fair enough to say that this podcast has it all for those average joes like us who are just out giving it a crack and are making friends at boat ramps no matter what the time of night.
This show brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly Apparel, Beast Brushes

Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Episode 138- Alistair McBurnie
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
On Episode 137 we chat to NSW fisheries Officer Alistair McBurnie. This episode is all about access, mainly in freshwater but also estuarine systems. Alistair is an experienced and well travelled fly angler who also has a strong passion for sharing all aspects of his sport. The information source for angler access rights is one he not only deals with professionally but also passionately. We run a series of layman questions past Al, to get an insight into our rights as a bankside angler or a saltwater angler who fishes urban environments, so you can combat the aqua karens.
This episode is proudly brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly Apparel and Beast Brushes

Friday Jun 10, 2022
The Intermediate Vice Ep 4 - Brandon Bailes ( Panther Branch Bugs)
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
On Episode 4 of the Intermediate Vice, I am stoked to interview someone I and many people draw a lot of inspiration from, and that guest is Brandon Bailes who is Panther Branch Bugs. Brandon hales from northern Alabama in the USA, where he grew up fishing for the various Bass species his area has on offer. From these experiences, Brandon has developed very much his own style of fly tying and is considered by many as a world leader. Although openly admitting to drawing inspiration from many fly tyers around the world, Brandon has a great skill of adapting flies to suit what he sees on the water which makes Brandon one of the most interesting fly tyers in my opinion... his on water results are excellent to say the least. In addition to his excellent stream craft and inshore saltwater fishing, Brandon is world class when it comes to Bass and Panfish flies. Listen as we discuss the parallels between Australian Bass and Smallmouth Bass that are literally oceans apart but also quite similar. We also talk about the Deerhair bugs we both like to throw at them. The technical talk surrounds the techniques we find common ground on with Deerhair and some of the unique additions and alterations Brandon makes for his own flies that end up seen down many a Smallmouth Bass' throat. This is an awesome episode, and one I hope you enjoy. We will have to get Brandon on again, the recorded show was only half of the phone conversation had when we weren't recording...we definitely have more to discuss in the future.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly and Beast Brushes

Friday Jun 03, 2022
Episode 137 - Comps, Crabs and
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
On Episode 137, we talk about the rising popularity and success of the Gav's crab. Pictured here in the corner of the first ever Permit to eat one (caught by host Chris) and now seen in a stack more permit since. In a seemingly short period of time, this crab fly has really got some runs on the board, so we chat about its origins and a few directions that many wouldn't know about. Also, we show our age and chat about the golden era of Saltwater Fly Fishing Tournaments in Australia, and the impact they have had on both product development and the old school community that used to actually meet face to face. Sadly, we don't see anything like these tournaments anymore, with only the Hinchinbrook Challenge and the Darwin Fly Rodders flying the flag for what's left.
This is a pretty meaty chat, one we hope provokes discussion. Should we bring the Tuna comps back? Is the Gav's Crab the Permit slayer we have been looking for? Will we see it go by the wayside in Australian Flyfishing media like many other Australian developed flies? let us know in the comments.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly Apparel and Beast Brushes.

Saturday May 21, 2022
Episode 136 - Stu Dodd’s Doddcast
Saturday May 21, 2022
Saturday May 21, 2022
On Episode 136, we chat to West Coast legend Stu Dodd. We had the intention of getting to know Stu on the air having only admired his photos from afar, but what resulted was a rich tapestry of mainly fly fishing related tangents that we took on this episode!! Not many people have covered the west coast like Stu, and although we are dealing with arguably Australia's most successful colour-blind flyfisho, he has defiantly pinned some of the glamorous fish WA has to offer. He's not a shipwright, yet his home build skiff is mint, be sure to follow along with his Instagram page open. The tangents are thick and the jokes are bad, but we think its a pretty good show, we hope you do to !!
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Ketafly Apparel and Beast Brushes

Saturday May 14, 2022
The Intermediate Vice - Ep 3 Captain Dave Bradley
Saturday May 14, 2022
Saturday May 14, 2022
With over 300 days on the water and a career that spanned 25 years, the now retired captain Dave Bradley has seen a thing or two. When asked for his own opinion of himself as a fly tyer, he doesn't rate himself as fancy, just practical and that's what has seen over 400 permit lock eyes with Dave while he's removing the successful fly. On this show I chat to Dave about what observations he can offer in fly design as it relates to fishes behaviour, the environment they have to contend with and and standout flies he has known. An unsung hero as guides often are when it comes to fly design, Dave is very well known for his Bradley Barra Bunny, but did you know how much input he has had into other popular crab flies? Dave also has a personal insight into some of the more popular and oldest Saltwater flies designed or influenced by the likes of Harry Speak and Steve Huff that get little mention these days when compared to the more popular flies that have been modelled from them. This was a tough one to put together for a fly tying podcast as there was 100 different direction the conversation could have gone, I sincerely hope you enjoy the show and get something out it as a fly tyer.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly Apparel and Beast Brushes

Friday May 06, 2022
Episode 135 - Nicky Mill
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
Today we present a conversation we had last week with all round nice guy Nicky Mill. Nicky is the creator and co host of the Millhouse Podcast which needs no introduction, but if you haven't heard of it, please do yourself a favour and search it out. This is the second time we have had Nicky on the show, the first time over a year ago with his father and Co Host of the Millhouse Podcast, Andy Mill. On this show we wanted to learn more about Nicky, apart from what we know of him through the podcast, we wanted to know about him as a person, a podcaster, a bow hunter and a fisherman. We really hope you enjoy this show, it was really cool for us to chat to Nicky again and learn more about the dude. I reckon we covered it all ; )
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly Apparel and Beast Brushes

Saturday Apr 30, 2022
The Intermediate Vice Ep2 - Nic Stewart
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
On Episode 2 of The Intermediate Vice, Nic Stewart tells us about the even darker side of fly tying... Composite loops, Tubes, rare and endangered natural materials, Waddington shanks etc... and if that doesn't grab you.. how does talking about Intruders, Munkers and Willy's Whips interest you ? That's right, Nic is a Spey demon and a good one too !!
This is a meaty show, a lot to unpack... you asked for more technical... this one should wet the appetite.
Brought to to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly Apparel, and Beast Brushes

Friday Apr 22, 2022
Episode 134 - The Reel Show
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
On Episode 134, the hosts get into a detailed chat about Fly Reels. If your into reels, in the market to buy or just interested in hearing two dudes talk about Cork, Aluminium, Arbours and Porting, then this show just might fit your fetish. From Trout Reels to Blue water reels, to drag stacks and testing drags over motorcycles... wee think we covered it all.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly Apparel and Beast Brushes

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Special Episode 1 - Andy Bolch
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
The first of an irregular series of special shows presented by the Intermediate Line Podcast nicknamed "The Intermediate Vice". The Intermediate Vice is hosted by Chris and will feature candid and technical fly tying talk with some of his favourite tyers.
On episode 1, Chris chats to Andy Bolch who is an all-round fan of all fly tying and accomplished angler who is innovative and insightful in his approach to tying flies. Although a fisherman first and foremost, Andy is an occasionally a commercial tyer when he's in the mood. Andy and Chris see eye to eye about many things in fly tying, but strongly disagree on a few items too which we hope makes for an engaging chat to listen too. If you are into tying your own flies or trying to understand fly design, then this new concept just might be a great show to tie flies too. Remember we don't promise any regularity to the Intermediate Vice, but we do promise less jokes and mucking around, and just a straight up conversation about our time at the vice.
This show is brought to you by Nervous Water, Kettafly Apparel and Beast Brushes

Yo Guess What
We know stuff and we don't put our rod over our shoulder.
Follow the beef people... Don't let someone who doesn't do the type of fishing they preach about waste your time or money.... reward those that show results not promises.