
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Episode 103 - The Chad from Ploy Flies
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
On Episode 103 we chat to one of Australian fast rising talents in the fly tying scene, Chad Plooy. Chad is from Port Stevens and is an avid fly fisho who delves into the more technical side of commercial fly tying. Chad has and is still selling flies to customers all over the world for both freshwater and saltwater predators. Checkout Chad's social media pages to see exactly why Chad has risen to where he is so quickly!
Also on this show, believe it or not, I think we pulled of a mini fly line episode in a good way. Also be sure to stick around after the interview to hear The Fast Sinking Line podcast.
This show brought to you by Beast Brushes and Manic Tackle Project

Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Episode 102 - James Norney
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
On episode 102, we chat to all round performer, photographer, guide and level headed nice guy James Norney. Jimmy, as we learn on the show he prefers to be called, is a Victorian based full time flyfishing guide who operates not only in Victoria but also at many stunning saltwater locations around the world. One destination that we will learn about on the show is Cocos island in the Indian ocean which when you you listen to the show sounds like Saltwater Flyfishing paradise. James operates out of Cocos Island starting early next year and on the show we chat about what its taken to setup and get going potentially the next biggest thing in Australian Saltwater Flyfishing.
This show brought to you by Beast Brushes and Manic Tackle Project

Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Episode 101 - Ben Currell (Vision Sportfishing)
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
On Episode 101 we talk to Ben Currell who owns and operates Vision Sportsfishing. hailing originally from South east Queensland, we learn that Ben is an avid Fly Fisho and passionate fisherman who can easily make the claim of being a big Barramundi specialist, a claim that not many guides in Australia can make. We listen to Ben talk about new ventures in his business like opening up a productive permit fishery and tackle design. Ben is no slouch that's for sure ands we really hope you enjoy the show.
Also on the show we go into detail regarding the latest species craze.... Rods.
This show brought to you by Beast Brushes and Manic Tackle.

Friday Jul 09, 2021
Episode 100 - The Hacks Century
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Not once in the podcasts early days did we ever think that we would get to 100 downloads per show let alone achieve 100 shows. We want to that this moment to say that from all the staff and production crew at the Intermediate Line, to extend a big thank you to all of you who who tune in and to those that have had their fishing improve from the guests we have had on the specials that we have toiled over during the last 2 years. Also a big thanks to all the guests leading up to now that have taken the time to help make the show possible. This is not the end but rather a milestone that we want to take a moment to show ourselves and give thanks to those who have ridden jetski's, stayed aggressive, showed us that they caught something on fly by putting the rod over their shoulder and scented their flies. We salute you all!!
Big thanks to Dan "Scatman" Mamrot for hosting the show and to the Fishercrunt for cleaning up his intro from pure filth to something that will do.
The Intermediate line is brought to you by Beast Brushes and Manic Tackle Project

Friday Jul 02, 2021
Episode 99 -Morten Valeur ( Ahrex Hooks)
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
On Episode 99 we present a very special guest, Moreten Valeur joins us for a chat. Morten or Mo as he is known is one of the founders and owner of Ahrex hooks. For those that have been living under a rock, Ahrex hooks is a hook company that is dedicated to fly only hooks, they do not market or cater for conventional fishing which has them focus intently on the needs of Flyfishers and Fly tyers globaly. Ahrex is a company that has been born out of a flyfishing lifestyle, you will hear Mo describe his involvement in the fly-fishing industry for many years and how his latest venture in Ahrex has risen out passion to give back to the fly-fishing community. This is an interesting story that showcases Mo's fishing experience and how that transcended organically from a group of friends in Denmark designing hooks for their own fishing, to the hook of choice for the majority of fly tyers and fly fisherman around the world. Ahrex Hooks
This show is brought to you by Beast Brushes and Manic Tackle

Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Episode98 - The Fraser Coast Fishing Alliance with Scott Mitchell
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
On Episode 98 we chat to Scott Mitchell who is the director of the Fraser Coast Fishing Alliance. The FCFA is a non profit organisation that's sole purpose is the see an improved ecosystem in and around the pristine waters of the Great Sandy Straights Marine park which is inside the world heritage listed Fraser Island. The main focus for the group at the moment is removing the anomaly of allowing inshore commercial netting within a designated yellow zone which is essentially the nurseries of the marine ecosystem. This anomaly ( indicated by red lines on GSMP maps) is unique worldwide to this area!! This is an issue close to both of the hosts, but for you as an angler, to pass this off as it doesn't apply to me, you are wrong!! This is a case of industry and commercial gain trumping environmental concerns and the concerns of those who use this marine park recreationally. If the FCFA doesn't get the support of you the recreational angler, no matter where you live in Australia or the world, your apathy is part of the problem.
Go to the Fraser Coast Fishing Alliance and read what you can do, it will take hardly any time compared to scouting the flats in search of fish that are declining faster than ever. Click here to go to the FCFA Website
This show brought to you by Manic tackle Project and Beast Brushes

Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
On Episode 97 - We chat to South Australian Axel Calvert who is the mastermind behind Freehand Flies. His Fly tying business Freehand Flies is a high end commercial bespoke fly tying business catering for the more technical side of fly tying. We invite Axel on to chat about who he is and what he does but also for a round table discussion regarding fly tying and approaches regarding fly tying.
The show gets into some meaty topics that will probably get us cancelled, which can only mean more fishing time really.
This show is brought to you by Manic Tackle Project and Beast Brushes

Friday Jun 11, 2021
Episode 96 - Crabs/ Casting/ Creating/ Karens/ Covid
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Episode 96 Could be the best episode we have ever done!! Fact of the matter is that due to wild weather where our guest lives, he had to postpone, so we stepped it up with 30 mins notice and produced what could be the podcast of our generation. This episode is best enjoyed at the vice with a longneck of VB, and minimal distractions because everyone will level up from this show!!
This show brought to you by Manic Tackle Project and Beast Brushes

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Episode 95 - Dave Little (NQ Saltwaterflies)
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
On Episode 95 - We chat to all round top dude Dave Little who resides in Townsville ( North Queensland). Dave is the owner of NQ Saltwater Flies and on this episode we get to know Dave and what he does. We talk about Dave's fly selection and how he stays in his lane to offer his customers a well proven fly that he knows intricately. Dave is also a very diverse fisho, with a passion for all things Onkaparinka and thirst for adventure in amongst the tropical rainforest streams for one of his favourite fish Sooty Grunter. Not many people know Sooty Grunter like Dave who has spent more time than most experimenting with a range of flies and tackle and Dave shares a whack of knowledge on this show. Dave is equally at home on his Townsville flats which is renowned for its tropical flats species. Dave's flies reflect his fishing experiences and on this episode, I feel we illustrate the man the myth the legend quite well.
Checkout Dave's flies at the Australian Fly Tyers Co Op here https://www.beastbrushes.com/collections/nq-saltwater-flies
This show is brought to you by Manic Tackle and Beast Brushes

Saturday May 29, 2021
Episode 94 Dean Pateman
Saturday May 29, 2021
Saturday May 29, 2021
Episode 94 - On this episode we call into tropical Cape York and chat to a guy who is living the dream!! The guys I am referring to is Dean Pateman. Dean is a professional fishing guide working for Fish's Fly and Sportfishing. On this show we chat about Weipa a fair bit, but also we get to know the guy we see holding all these glam species up and what series of events lead him to this stage of his life.
Also we chat about some new tying products, a couple of shoutouts and we talk about finalising the Dan Frasier Book buy.
This show brought to you by Manic Tackle and Beast Brushes

Yo Guess What
We know stuff and we don't put our rod over our shoulder.
Follow the beef people... Don't let someone who doesn't do the type of fishing they preach about waste your time or money.... reward those that show results not promises.