
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Episode 113 - Angus Reynolds
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
On Episode 113, we are stoked to finally get Angus Reynolds on the show. You guys might know Angus as the NSW gun trout guide who works for AFF, or you might know him from his Instagram page @bong_bong_fly which is a rich tapestry of solid trout captures, stunning landscapes and thought provoking art that celebrates the humble toad fish. Angus has a contagious personality and a great attitude to life and fishing around his local haunts and many travels. On this show we learn about Angus's love of short term adventure and the sum of experiences that has led him to a full time guide lifestyle. We also get to hear of a few close call snake encounters that are not that surprising given how off track Angus gets. And have you ever wondered if any one if straining Vulcans?
This is a really cool up beat show, we hope you like it.
This show is brought to you by Beast Brushes and Manic Tackle

Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Episode 112 - Mark Burns (Urban Fly Co)
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
On Episode 112, we chat to Mark Burns who is from across the puddle in Pennsylvania USA. Mark is a friend to the show, and the proprietor of Uban Fly Co which is a Guiding and fly tying outfitter for a variety of northern US freshwater predators such as Musky, Pike, Smallmouth, Stripers, Hybrids (Wipers) and Bowfin. Mark who is also one of the Co Hosts of the SVS podcast, is someone we would consider to be a Bucktail aficionado. We get into the parallels between Musky fishing and Murray Cod fishing, in addition to explaining the Brad Bohen designed Buford fly and how its designed to work and what you need to know when selecting one for your fishing. Also on this show we definitely get into it over Bucktail, a passionate topic for all involved that almost makes this show a Bucktail special. Mark is a legend dude, and we are grateful for his time, we hope you enjoy the show.
Head over to Marks website by hitting this link Uban Fly Co
This show is brought to you by Beast Brushes and Manic Tackle Project

Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Just to be clear, to set your expectations for this show, This show with recorded with mystery guest and Central Queensland resident Josh Radloff was about as off the cuff as you can get... You are about to be a fly on the wall of a conversation between 3 mates who have similar interests. So please don't be surprised to hear tales of Sewer Tuskies ( Tilapia), Carp, Politics surrounding the Great Sandy Marine Park, Steven Segal, seasonal goals coming into spring and of course the true origins of Tenkara. Some of the conversation has been redacted to protect the innocent, but what's left in is still thought provoking, silly and hopefully inspiring in some ways. This is an easy listening show that is best listened too over a long drive (without little ears) or while learning a new fly at the vice. And if you want a treat, shazam that last song to see one of the most spun out film clips you will see.
The Intermediate Line Podcast is proudly presented by Beast Brushes and Manic Tackle Project

Friday Sep 17, 2021
Episode 110 - Kiel (pronounced Uncletwist) Jones
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
On Episode 110 we chat to staunch Victorian and full time guide, Kiel Jones. Kiel as mentioned is a full time guide working at Millbrook Lakes in Victoria. On the show we chat to Kiel about that 31 lake setup and what sort of diversity that amount of lakes offers customers of Millbrook. Also we learn in this show that Kiel is also very close to setting yup for guiding in the salt also , specialising in Bream. This show in part is like listening to QLD V VIC as Kiel puts the foot down on how lorded introduced species like Barramundi and Saratoga simply because they suit the interests of rec anglers and their devastating impact on less desirable inhabitants is ignored. We also get to the bottom of the Instagram handle Uncletwist.
Also on this show we morph into an organic chat about UV resins, the different types there are ( that's right not all resins are the same) in addition to the UV light spectrums and the impacts they have on UV resin performance.
This show is brought to you by Beast Brushes and Manic Tackle Project

Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Episode 109 - Dave and Rod from AFO (Australian Flyfishing Outfitters)
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
On Episode 109 - Chris sits down with both Dave Bradley and Rod Collings who are Australian Fly Fishing Outfitters, a saltwater fly only guiding operation based in far North Queensland. This interview was recorded on location at AFO house Cardwell and is an organic conversation that covers a little about the AFO Hinchinbrook Challenge at the start but it quickly gets into the nitty gritty which is Dave retiring at the end of this year and handing the push pole over the very competent Rodney. This is an interesting discussion for anyone who yet to fish Hinchinbrook or for those who are planning on going back and want to know a bit about Rod and what the future of AFO looks like. You will hear in this interview that Rod really is the only person who can take this over and handing things over was not a decision Dave took lightly when considering the high expectations his client base has. We also talk about Hinchinbrook as a permit destination and discuss what it offers anglers as a challenging and arguably the most rewarding permit fishery in Australia.
Also in the intro Voltz and Chris discuss Chris' trip away, that permit and the up an coming crab fly called "Gav's Crab".
This is an awesome show that happens to be right at the end of an Australian Flyfishing legends career and right at the start of another Australian Fly fishing legends future that all took place over a few glasses of Dingo's revenge Rum in what is arguably the place that Permit fishing in Australia started.... Please, enjoy the show.
This show brought to you by Beast Brushes and Manic Tackle

Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Episode 108- The Flyline Episode Deux
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
On Episode 108, we chat fly lines with self confessed line- nerd, Bill Mitchell. A multiple Intermediate Line guest, enthusiastic and experienced flats angler, and champion bloke to boot, Bill has a penchant for all things Fly lines. He has a great handle on the anatomy and nuances of the various offerings, particularly saltwater lines. A gifted communicator, Bill and Voltz get down to the nitty gritty and attempt to explain the topic with all sorts of verbosity. I am not sure that they totally right previous podcast wrongs, but they give it a good crack. Chris “too pretty for prison” is away on a “short holiday” but good news comes of that in the end.
The lads also give the recently run and won Hinchinbrook Fly Challenge a good going over. Bill provides a detailed explanation of what it takes to finish near the top in this one.
This ones a cracker with plenty for everyone, grab a beer and have a listen!
This show is brought to you by Beast Brushes and Manic Tackle

Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Episode 107 - Dan Costelloe
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
On episode 107 we chat to returning guest and prominent Tasmanian Dan Costelloe. The basis for this chat is that the Intermediate Line is planning a trip to the apple isle to see what the big deal about Trout is and who better that the biggest deal in Launceston, Mr Costelloe. Dan walks us through everything from where to fly into Tasmania to where to get a great coffee, and where its acceptable to wear waders in town to how to get a hold of a boat. Join us we go from Salt to Streams with big Dan the man Costelloe.
This show is brought to you by Beast Brushes and Manic tackle Project

Friday Aug 20, 2021
Episode 106 - Tyson Palmer
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
On Episode 106 we chat to FNQ resident Tyson Palmer. Tyson is a go getter who is still relatively new to fly, yet is ticking off some serious goals. We thought it would be interesting to chat to Tyson about his journey so far. Tyson chats to us about the effort that has been put into some of his outstanding captures in his local waters. This podcast is a story that should be observed by anyone who has recently picked up fly fishing or those that are stale in their recent fishing pursuits. Please enjoy the show
This show brought to you by Beast Brushes and Manic Tackle

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Episode 105 - Steve Starling ( Starlo)
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
On Episode 105 our guest would need no introduction to many people not only in Australia but all over the world. Steve Starling or "Starlo" is a TV Presenter, Author, Product designer, Blogger, Vlogger and Magazine Editor, but above all that is one of the best fishing communicators we have known. The reason we have Starlo on this show is because Starlo is that conduit between two worlds metaphorically speaking. Starlo is very well known for his contributions to the conventional fishing scene, but is also well known for his successes with fly fishing. This week we chat about that connection and talk to Starlo about why he prefers to flyfish in a lot of circumstances in addition to how Flyfishing can be both effective and frustrating which can make those fly fishing achievements all the more rewarding. Starlo has travelled the world fishing, but it's his results in his own accessible water that make Starlo an inspiration to many. As many would know, Starlo is no slouch when it comes to bream on fly.
You can checkout what Starlo is doing on his website Starlo Fishing and subscribe to his YouTube Channel Starlo Gets Real. Or checkout and follow Starlo's Fishtopia that is also on facebook and Instgram.
This show brought to you by Beast Brushes and Manic Tackle Project

Friday Aug 06, 2021
Episode 104 - Pip Clement
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
On Episode 104 we chat to one of the most unsung heroes of Australian Fly fishing and Fly tying today.... Pip Clement. What sets Pip apart from some of the guys of his vintage is not only his incredibly well rounded fly fishing experience from around the world, his ability to fish well locally (which is the highest pedestal) nor his incredible fly tying skills... the thing that sets Pip apart from the loudest personalities in the flyfishing game is keen interest to foster the future of the sport, not for money or sponsorship, but for the love of it!! Whether its industry professionals or kids in the tackle store, Pip is never one to make his actions about himself. A true gentleman / and loose unit all at the same time, Pip is an asset to the fishing community as a whole and it is an honour to have on the show for a second time.

Yo Guess What
We know stuff and we don't put our rod over our shoulder.
Follow the beef people... Don't let someone who doesn't do the type of fishing they preach about waste your time or money.... reward those that show results not promises.